Monday 20 August 2012

Slender Man - He Lives in the Woods

Who is Slender Man?

Or perhaps the better question to ask would be what is Slender Man? It's the question that the Internet has been going wild for recently. Slender Man is a Paranormal entity in the shape of a skinny man dressed in a suit, with long lanky arms, but without a face. Apparently he can also grow "tentacle-like" appendages from his body as well. He lives in the woods and prays on those who get in his way.

It's believed that the first mention of Slender Man came from the website 4Chan, but his popularity grew from a contest launched off of the Something Awful forums, where users were told to turn regular looking photos into creepy looking ones, put them on Paranormal websites and see if they could pass them off as being legit. The following two were uploaded by user "Victor Surge" and it was said that Slender Man prayed on children.

While it's unknown if Slender Man originated as the result of someone's imagination or if there is any truth behind the Slender Man phenomena, it is for certain that people believe in him and will tell you their stories of their encounters with him if you are looking in the right places. In fact, just do a search in Reddit's NoSleep forum and see a plethora of Slender Man stories. Or even better, just head right into the thick of things on the Slender Man Subreddit.

Don't let Slender Man find you.
Slender Man's popularity really took off recently with the launch of the Slender Game. A game with a very simple theme, go collect all 8 pages before Slender Man gets you. Completely free to play and it plays on basic fears to become an incredibly scary experience. Go check it out.

With all of that being said, I think I know what my Halloween costume is going to be this year. Probably along with thousands of others... MWA HA HA - a fluffy bunny rabbit of course!

Seriously, Slender Man is really creepy and not-so-oddly fascinating at the same time. Here are some other photos of him. Sadly, I doubt any are real but they're cool all the same (thank you Google Image Search!). If you think you've got a real one then well, you probably bigger concerns than uploading it to the Internet, but if you do get around to it then post it in the comments.

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