Monday, 25 June 2012

Ghost Story - Hotel Hell

Ghost's are everywhere! In my searches to find new and interesting YouTube videos about paranormal events, I came across this little gem. Now what really blew me away here was upon opening the video I saw it had "41 likes and only 2 dislikes". That to me already offers a lot of credibility in separating real from fake.

While there isn't too much along the lines here of actual video footage of paranormal stuff happening (something I really enjoy seeing on camera), there is quite a bit of recounts of events along some photos.

All in all, this is definitely worth checking out. I know 45 minutes is a little long, but even just listening to the audio while you do something else you will get quite a bit of information. Unfortunately, embedding for this video has been disabled by request - but you can click the link to watch.

Overall, between the strange voices saying things like "let me out", "he's dead" and the strange sightings of orbs flying around, well it certainly seems very peculiar.

Do you believe the hauntings taking place here are real?

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